Return & Cancellation Policy
Return Policy:
We ensure that products shipped from us are free from defects. But in case if it gets damaged on transit, you can return the ordered products only if they had been damaged on transit. We will send a replacement product to you after receiving the damaged product. Please call us for any help.
Return Procedure:
- Send us a mail within a day of delivery -requesting a refund explaining the exact reason.
- If needed we will request a photo within 24 hours and the refund will be processed immediately once the necessary details are provided.
- We will make sure your refund process is hassle-free.
- Refund will be processed only after receiving the parcel by us.
- Any of the orders placed with will be subject to cancellation before shipping.
- Any cancellation request should reach us before the shipping of the products. If the order was canceled before shipment the refund will be 100%.
- . If shipping is done you cannot cancel the ordered product. Please call us and inform your Order ID to cancel your order.
- Any refund request will get processed within 2 days of accepting the cancellation policy.
- The order canceled will be refunded to you through the same mode you had made the payment to us or else through Bank Transfer.
- The refunds take 3-7 business days. Please call us for any help regarding the refunds.